Description in english?
Term | Definition |
Benign by Design | Benign by Design: An innovative concept in the framework of sustainable chemistry/pharmacy, which aims to intentionally design chemical substances and active pharmaceutical agents from the beginning in such a way that they optimally fulfil the set requirements regarding usage while minimising the resulting environmental hazards as much as possible (benign). For example substances which could end in the aquatic environment are as completely and quickly biodegradable as possible if they are benign.
- Annette Haiß, Andrew Jordan, Janin Westphal, Evgenia Logunova, Nicholas Gathergood, Klaus Kümmerer: On the way to greener ionic liquids: identification of a fully mineralizable phenylalanine-based ionic liquid. Green Chem., 2016, 18, 4361-4373, DOI: 10.1039/c6gc00417b - Tushar Rastogi, Christoph Leder, and Klaus Kümmerer*Re-Designing of Existing Pharmaceuticals for Environmental Biodegradability: A Tiered Approach with β‑Blocker Propranolol as an Example. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 11756−11763, 11756−11763, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03051 (Open Access)
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Targeted Design |